District Service Commission


District Service Commission, derives its mandate from Article 200 of the Constitution of Uganda (1995) as amended and section 55(1) to (8) of the Local Government Act, Cap. 243, thus;

The power to appoint persons to hold or act in any office in the service of a District or Urban council , including the Power to confirm appointments, exercise disciplinary control over persons holding or acting in such offices and to remove those persons from office is vested in the District Service Commission; the only exception  being the Chief Administrative Officers, Deputy Chief Administrative Officers, Town clerks and  Deputy Town Clerks of city and Municipalities who are, appointed by the Public Service Commission – however, Deputy Town Clerk of a municipality is appointed by the District Service Commission.

Current Status

Kikuube District Local Government is still borrowing the services of the neighboring District Service Commissions. We have not yet formed our own. All Boards and Commissions are not yet formed, awaiting a substantive District leadership in place, currently the District is being led by an Interim Council/ leadership.