


Objectives Of The Charter

  • To inform our clients and stakeholders the service we offer, the rights and responsibility of the clients and service assurance.

  • To provide accountability and transparency framework to account to our clients and stakeholders
  • To act as instrument for improving performance.

The services offered by Kikuube District Local Government include: administration and management of decentralised government programmes like district and sub-county management, primary education, monitoring the quality  and providing advises in production and marketing, provision of primary health care both preventive and curative services especially to the rural population in Kikuube district, managing the staffing establishment and its welfare, managing the decentralized forests, wetlands, and general environment,—.

All the above are coordinated in departments, units and sections as below;

  1. Administration department covers CAO’s office, Human resource, Procurement and Disposal Unit, information, Records & office management, county management sections
  2. Finance department has – accounts, revenue & budgeting and sub-county finance sections
  3. Production & marketing has fisheries, veterinary, crop agriculture & entomology sections
  4. Education department has administration, inspection and primary education sections
  5. Statutory bodies department covers District Service Commission, District Council, Land Board, LG Public Accounts Committee, and Contracts Committee.
  6. Natural resources department covers environment, forestry, land management section
  7. Community based services department covers general community work, labour, probation & welfare, youth, women, elderly, gender issues, disabled
  8. Technical works – roads, buildings, water, mechanical sections.
  9. Planning unit
  10. Internal audit units.
  11. Health department and
  12. Commercial services department


The principles and values that guide the implementation and operation of this client charter are:

  1. Impartiality: in executing work, fair treatment for all clients shall be observed, irrespective of sex, religious belief, tribe, culture, or ethnic background, height, skin colour, political affiliation
  2. Transparency, all staff shall be open as much as possible about all decisions taken in line with the Uganda Government Standing Orders
  3. Professionalism: the code of conduct, ethics, high degree of competence and best practices shall be adhered to at all times
  4. Discipline: staff shall behave in a manner that conform to the rules and regulation
  5. Responsiveness:  we are committed to attend to the clients’ issues within the law.
  6. Integrity: staff shall be honest and open in conducting public affairs
  7. Partnership: we shall engage our partners at most times
  8. Loyalty: we shall be committed to the policies and programmes of Kikuube Distrct Local Government and at national level.
  9. Diligence: all staff shall be hard working and careful in executing official duties in accordance with rule and regulations
  10. Efficiency: we shall optimally use resources, including time in attainment of the departmental and district objectives
  11. Decency: all staff shall present themselves in a respectable manner that conforms to the morally acceptable standards and values of society.
  12. Accountability: we shall hold office in public trust and shall be responsible for our actions 


Our Clients

The clients of the district are many and include; the political leaders, the staff, pensioners, LLGs, Non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, farmers, teachers and pupils and students in Kikuube district schools, Fishermen, Kikuube district community, business community, the contractors, orphans and vulnerable children, widows, elderly, PWDs, Local leaders, schools, health units, parents, Contractors, Government agencies and departments,

Our Clients Rights

These shall include;

  1. To served with respect
  2. To be listened to

iii. To inquire on the services offered and those not offered but are within the budget

  1. To lodge in appeal in accordance with the law and established procedure
  2. Time payment of salaries and retirement benefits
  3. Access to information in accordance to regulations
vii. To be paid their dues in accordance with agreement

viii. Treat patients’ information in health facilities and health circles confidential

  1. Treat expectant mothers, mothers in labour and delivered babies with humility

Client Obligation

The following shall be obligations of clients;

  1. Provide accurate information at all times
  2. Respect staff delivering services

iii. Keeping time on appointments and meetings

  1. Mobilizing fellow farmers to attend meetings or vaccine activities
  2. ability to refund and cost share per project guidelines
  3. Carrying birds or animals to designated centres where services

vii. Mobilization communities to benefit from activities and projects of government

viii. Provide documentations when called upon for proof in case need be

  1. Suppliers to provide goods and services in time
  2. Submitting full documents and information for salaries processing by 10th of every month.
  3. Contributing to solving problems or recommendations

xii. Cooperate with service providers at all times